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Displaying 601-610 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
322HGF22CGCHill, G.F.Catalogue of the Greek Coins of Arabia, Mesopotamia and Persia. A Catalogue of t????  LondonTrustees of the British Museum1922 EnglishView
578KA80SPLKloner, AmosSurvey of places and landscape of north-west SinaiQadmoniot Sinai Tel-Avivha-Kibbutz ha-Meuhad1980199-230HebrewView
579MZ80ASMeshel, Z. and Finkelstein I.Antiquities of Sinai  Tel-AvivHakibbutz Hameuchad1980 HebrewView
68PEH71DEPalmer, E.H.The Desert of the Exodus  CambridgeDeighton, Bell1871 EnglishView
69CCR72RIJConder, Claude R.Rock indications at JerusalemPalestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement   1872170EnglishView
581NA80ISSNegev, A.Inscriptions of Southern SinaiQadmoniot of Sinai, Meshel,Z. and Finkelstein, I. (eds.) Tel-AvivHakibbutz Hameuhad1980333-378HebrewView
70SC72CKJSchick, C. and K. W. BaurathChurch of the Knights of St. John (Ground Plan)Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement   1872100EnglishView
71CCR73CRCConder, Claude R.Lieut. Claude R. Conder's ReportsPalestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement   187388EnglishView
72DT73TDRDrake, T.Mr. Tyrwhitt Drake's ReportsPalestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement   187358EnglishView
79SO76NDASeeck, O. (ed.)Notitia dignitatum accedunt notitia urbis Constantinopolitanae et Laterculi Prou  Berolini 1876 Latin ?View