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Displaying 491-500 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
455LB71ATNLifshitz, B.Ancient Tombstones from Nothern SinaiAntiquities of Sinai2  197124-26HebrewView
580MZ80WISMeshel, Z.Were the Inscriptions in Sinai Written by Nabatean?Antiquitie of Sinai0Tel-AvivHakibbutz Hameuchad1980379-383HebrewView
382CRL60ECHCleveland, R.L.The Excavation of the Conway High-Place (Petra) and soundings at Khirbet AderAnnual of the American Schools of Oriental Research34-35  1960????EnglishView
318MCC21EGMcCown, C.C.Epigraphic GleaningsAnnual of the American Schools of Oriental Resarch23Jerusalem 1921109-115EnglishView
314MWJ19GAEMoulton, W.J.Gleanings in Archaeology and EpigraphyAnnual of the American School of Oriental Research in Jerusalem1Jerusalem 191966-92EnglishView
315HK20Heussy, K. Analecta Bollandiana38  1920419-423Latin ?View
159BJ97NGPBarch, J.Die Nabatäische Grabinschrift von PetraAmerican Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatu13  1897267-278GermanView
2EWFEdgerton, W. F.????American Journal of Semitic Languages????   ????EnglishView
332MA26NHTMusil, A.The Northern Hegâz. A Topographical ItineraryAmerican Geografical Society Oriental Explorations and Studies1New-York 1926321-322EnglishView
169CGC97AAOClermont-Ganneau, C.Recueil de monuments inédits ou peu connus art-archéologie-épigraphieAlbum d'antiquités orientales2/1/2011Paris 1897 FrenchView