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Displaying 481-490 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
515PJ76AJCPrawer, J.The Armenians in Jerusalem under the CrusadersArmenian and BIblical Studies1JerusalemSt. James1976222-236EnglishView
460RB71SAERothenberg, B.The Sinai Archaeological Expedition (1967-1970)Ariel28  197159-64EnglishView
461TY71MMSTsafrir, Y.Monasticism at Mount SinaiAriel28  197165-78EnglishView
606JWJ84AMAJobling ,W.J.The ªAqaba-Maªan Archaeological and Epigraphic Survey 1980-1982Archiv für Orientforschung29/30  1984264-270EnglishView
625JWJ86AMAJobling, W.J.The ªAqaba-Maªan Archaeological and Epigraphic Survey 1983-1985Archiv für Orientforschung33GermanyBerger & Söhne1986233-247EnglishView
468GR72THSGiveon, R.Le temple d'Hathor à Sérabit-el-KhademArcheologia44  197264-69FrenchView
388NA61AACNegev, A.Avdat, A Caravan Halt in the NegevArchaeology14(2)  1961122-130EnglishView
660SM??AISSharon, M.Arabic Inscriptions from Sde BokerArchaeological Survey of Israel (the Map of Easter0   87-9HebrewView
654SME91SINStone, M.E. and Avner, U.Survey of Inscriptions in the NegevArchaeological News JerusalemDepartment of Antiquities199187HebrewView
368JA57Jem, A. Antiquities of Sinai2  195734-35EnglishView