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Displaying 481-490 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
94CCR82RPVConder, C. R.Report on the Prince's Visit to the HolylandPEFQS   1882205-EnglishView
95CCR82RRHConder, C. R.Report on the Visit of their Royal Highnesses Prince Albert Victor and George of Wales to the Hebron Haram, on 5th April, 1882PEFQS   1882English View
96CCR82STConder, C. R.The Siloam TunnelPEFQS   1882English View
97CGC82NMCClermont-Ganneau, C.Notes by M. Clermont-GanneauPEFQS   188218-EnglishView
98MAM82JMantell, A. M.JerusalemPEFQS   1882120EnglishView
302WCL14DWWoolley, C.L.The Desert of the Wanderings, Report of the Survey by the Palestinian Exploration FundPEQ46  191458-66EnglishView
305VBM15NGCVan Berchem, M.Note on the Graffiti of the Cistern at Wady el-JõzPEQ47  191585-90EnglishView
87KFA80NJMKlein, F.A.Notes on a Journey to MoabPEQ12  1880249-255EnglishView
102Z83GIJZagarelliThe Georgian Inscription at Jerusalem, deciphered by Prof. Zagarelli of St. Petersburg (from the Zeitschrift of the German Exploration Society)PEQ15  1883112-113EnglishView
137SAN93COISayce, A.N.The Cuneiform and other Inscriptions found at Lachis and elsewhere in the south of PalestinePEQ25  189325-32EnglishView