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Displaying 31-40 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
654SME91SINStone, M.E. and Avner, U.Survey of Inscriptions in the NegevArchaeological News JerusalemDepartment of Antiquities199187HebrewView
305VBM15NGCVan Berchem, M.Note on the Graffiti of the Cistern at Wady el-JõzPEQ47  191585-90EnglishView
278LM09NILidzbarski, M.Nabatäische InschriftenEphemeris für semitische Epigraphik3  190984-93GermanView
582FI81BPNFinkelstein, I.Byzantine Prayer Niches in Southern SinaiIsrael Exploration Journal31  198181-91EnglishView
162CJB97NINChabot, J.B.Note sur l'inscription nabatéene de `irêRevue ˜emitique   189781-84FrenchView
675MRA15CCGMacalister, R.A.A Cistern with Cufic Graffiti near JerusalemPEQ471915  81-84EnglishView
33SUJ54RSPSeetzen, U. J.Reisen durch Syrien, Palästina, Phönicien, die Transjordan Länder, Arabia PetraeHerausgegeben und Commentirt Von Pr. Dr. Fr. Kruse Berlin 185480GermanView
500MZ75HSSMeshel, Z.The History of Southern Sinai. A booklet for tour 0 The Ministry of Tourism19758/1/2011HebrewView
386GHAR60AGibb, H.A.R., et alAylaThe Encyclopaedia of Islam (new ed.)0LeidenBrill1960784EnglishView
342RHL35MSCRabino, H.L.Le monastère de sainte-CatherineBulletin de la société royale de géographie d'egyp19Cairo 193578-100,106FrenchView