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Displaying 241-250 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
388NA61AACNegev, A.Avdat, A Caravan Halt in the NegevArchaeology14(2)  1961122-130EnglishView
644MH90TNOMisgav, H.Two Notes on the Ostraca from Óorvat ªUzaIsrael Exploration Journal40(2-3)  1990215-217EnglishView
389NA61DANegev, A.The Discoveries at Avdat (about Ancient AgriculturTeva ve-aretz4  196161-62HebrewView
645YA90NJAYardeni, A.New Jewish Aramaic OstracaIsrael Exploration Journal40(2-3)  1990130-132EnglishView
390NA61NIANegev, A.Nabatean Inscriptions from ªAvdat (Oboda) - IIsrael Exploration Journal11(1-2)  1961127-138EnglishView
135BP92RISBerger, P.Remarques sur l'inscription Sinai des trois Augustes,avRevue critique d'histoire et de litérature0  1892489-493FrenchView
136CRE92NSIConder, Major R.E.The Sinaitic InscriptionsPalestine Exploration Quarterly24  189242-44EnglishView
137SAN93COISayce, A.N.The Cuneiform and other Inscriptions found at Lachis and elsewhere in the south of PalestinePEQ25  189325-32EnglishView
650BJ91SSDBrinkley, J.Secrets of Sinai are Discovered, AgainInternational Herald Tribune23/5/91  1991 EnglishView
651IHT91International Herald Tribune0 ??  19911ResearchesView