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Displaying 241-250 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
376KCJ58ENNKraemer, Jr., C. J.Excavations at Nessana:Non Literary Papyri 3/1/2011Princeton 1958 EnglishView
632PE88ICPPuech, E.Les inscriptions christo-palestiniennes de Khirbet el Kursi - AmmanLiber Annus, Studium Biblicum Franciscanum38  1988361-382FrenchView
377HM59RRMHarel, M.The Roman Road at the Ma`aleh `AqrabbimIsrael Exploration Journal9  1959175-179EnglishView
633PE88ISMPuech, E.Une inscription syriaque sur mosaïqueLiber Annus, Studium Biblicum Franciscanum38  1988267-270FrenchView
122BG89MSBénédite, G.Mission au SinaîComptes rendus de l'académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres4.17  1889308FrenchView
634PM88CKKPiccirillo, M. and A.-J. ªAmrA Chapel at Khirbet el-Kursi - AmmanLiber Annuus, Studium Biblicum Franciscanum38  1988361-382EnglishView
379JL59IGLJalabert, L. and Mouterde, J.Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie 5/1/2011Paris 1959 FrenchView
635VR88BAWVentura, R.Bent Axis or Wrong Direction. Studies on the Temple of Serabit el-KhadimIsrael Exploration Journal38(3)  1988128-138EnglishView
124NKU89Nylander, K.U. (ed.)ENEMAN.RESA I ORIENTEN 1711-1712???? 0Upsala 1889 GermanView