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Displaying 581-590 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
76HJ74MEAHalévy, J.Mélanges d'epigraphie et d'archéologiqie sémitique 0ParisImprimerie Nationale1874 FrenchView
71CCR73CRCConder, Claude R.Lieut. Claude R. Conder's ReportsPalestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement   187388EnglishView
72DT73TDRDrake, T.Mr. Tyrwhitt Drake's ReportsPalestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement   187358EnglishView
73RE73DINRenan, E.Note sur Deux Inscriptions NabatéennesJournal asiatique1  1873313-323FrenchView
74RE73NINRenan, E.Une Nouvelle Inscription Nabatéenne trouvée å PJournal asiatique2  1873366-382FrenchView
69CCR72RIJConder, Claude R.Rock indications at JerusalemPalestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement   1872170EnglishView
70SC72CKJSchick, C. and K. W. BaurathChurch of the Knights of St. John (Ground Plan)Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement   1872100EnglishView
65CGC71NCNClermont-Ganneau, C.Notes of Certain New Discoveries at JerusalemPalestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement   1871English View
66LMA71NNILevy, M.A.Eine neue nabathäische Inschrift aus AmmonitisZeitschrift der deutschen morgenländischen Gesellschaft25  1871429-434GermanView
67PEH71DTPalmer, E.H.The Desert of the Tíh and the Country of MoabPalestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement3(1)  18711/3/1980EnglishView