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Displaying 581-590 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
558AGV79HSAbgaryan, G.V.History of Sebëos 0ErevanAcademy of Sciences1979 ArmenianView
559RB79CCSRothenberg, B. and Ordeuflich, I.A Comparative Chronology of Sinai, Egypt and PalestineBulletin, Institute of Archaeology, London University16LondonLondon University1979233-237EnglishView
560BB79-1GTWBernstein, B.A Great and Terrible Wilderness - I (Sinai)The New York er0New YorkViking Press1979 EnglishView
561BB79-2GTWBernstein, B.A Great and Terrible Wilderness - II (Sinai)The New Yorker0New YorkViking Press197992-133EnglishView
562MA79KDSMalamat, AbrahamThe Kingdom of David and Solomon and the First Treaty with EgyptBitzaron1New York 197914/7/2011HebrewView
563HP79MPSHuber, P.Monks, Pilgrims and Saracens: Sinai in Early ChristSinai, ed. B. Rothenberg0not availabale????1979 EnglishView
564SME79AISStone, M.E.Armenian Inscriptions from Sinai 0SydneyMaitland1979 EnglishView
565BJR80RWWBartlett, J.R.Review of G.I. Davies. "The Way of the Wilderness: a geographical study of the wilderness itineraries in the Old Testament (SOTS mono. ser. 5). 1979.Palestine Exploration Quarterly12(2)  1980138-140EnglishView
566CJH80MSCCharlesworth, J.H.The Manuscripts of St. Catherine's MonasteryBiblical Archaeologist43(1)  198026-34EnglishView
567FR80TCBFrankel, R.Three Crusader Boundary Stones from Kibbutz ShomratIsrael Exploration Journal30(3-4)  1980199-201EnglishView