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Displaying 631-640 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
117EJ85BIAEuting, J.Nabatäische Inschriften aus Arabien  BerlinReimer1885 GermanView
132EJ91SIEuting, J.Sinaïtische Inschriften  BerlinReimer1891 GermanView
503WKW75GETWeitzmann, K.W.A Group of Early Twelfth-Century Sinai Icons, AttrFestschrift0EdinburghRice, D.T.197547-63EnglishView
298YG13AWAYovse+pi`an, G.The Art of Writing among the Armenians 1Valas+apatS. Etchmiadzin1913 ArmenianView
464WJ71ETWilkinson, J.Egeria's Travels  LondonS.P.C.K.1971 EnglishView
572SME80SJOStone, M.E.Signs of the Judgment, Onomastica Sacra and GeneraUniversity of Pennsylvania Armenian Texts and Stud3Chico, CAScholars Press1980 EnglishView
319PF22NEAPreisigke, F.Namenbuch enthaltend alle griechischen, lateinischen, ãgyptischen, hebräischen,  HeidelbergSelbstverlag des Herausgebers1922 GermanView
471AH72DAPA√ar+yan, H.Dictionary of Armenian Proper Names 5/1/2011BeyrathSevan1972 ????View
601LI82SSRLachish, I. and Z. MeshelSouth Sinai Researches 1967-1982 0Tel-AvivSociety for the Protection of Nature1982 HebrewView
514HK76HAHHintlian, K.History of the Armenians in the Holy Land  JerusalemSt. James1976 EnglishView