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Displaying 491-500 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
290HFR12FNNHorskins, F.R.From the Nile to Nero 0PhiladelphiaSunday School Times1912 EnglishView
631DSLYH87Di Segni, L. and Y. HirschfeldFour Greek Inscriptions from the Monastery at Khirbet Ed-Deir in the Judean DeseOrientalia Christiana Periodica53RomePontifical Institute for Orien1987365-385EnglishView
663SME85FFAStone, M.E.Four Further Armenian Epigraphs from the SinaiJournal of the Society for Armenian Studies2  198573-83EnglishView
639AS88FTNAinger, S.Finds throw new light on Islamic historyThe University of Sydney News20SydneyUniversity News Service198829-30EnglishView
527BAI78ESKBeit-Arie, I.Explorations at Serâbit el-Khâdim 1977Tel-Aviv5  1978170-187EnglishView
143GDRP95Germer-Durand, R.P.Exploration épigraphique de GerasaRevue Biblique3  1895374-400FrenchView
171BRP98EBSBosanquet, R.P.Excavations of the British School at MelosJournal of Hellenic Studies18.10000000000000142  189870EnglishView
612BM85ECSBroshi, M. and Barkay, G.Excavations in the Chapel of St. Vartan in the Holy SepulchreIsrael Exploration Journal35  1985108-28EnglishView
467GA72ENGoren, A.Excavations in NawamisHadashot Archaeologiot41  197246-48HebrewView
376KCJ58ENNKraemer, Jr., C. J.Excavations at Nessana:Non Literary Papyri 3/1/2011Princeton 1958 EnglishView