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Displaying 481-490 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
323PWK22GLIPrentice, W.KGreek and Latin InscriptionsPublications of the Princeton University Archaeological Expedition to3New YorkThe Century1922 EnglishView
218CSA02GMCook, S.A.Graffiti from MashitaPEQ34  1902308-309EnglishView
397RB62GWRothenberg, B.God's Wilderness 0New-York - ToroThames and Hudson1962 EnglishView
246DCC05GSMDu Cange, C. du F.Glossarium ad scriptores mediae et infimae Graecitatis 2/1/2011LeipzigWelter1905 LatinView
314MWJ19GAEMoulton, W.J.Gleanings in Archaeology and EpigraphyAnnual of the American School of Oriental Research in Jerusalem1Jerusalem 191966-92EnglishView
349WCB38GCDWelles, C.B.Gerasa, City of the Decapolis, C.H. Kraeling (ed.) 0New Haven 1938 EnglishView
340AFM33GPAbel, F.-M.Géographie de la Palestine 2/1/2011ParisJ. Gabalda1933 FrenchView
602BJ83GVJBrefeld, J.Geheel verzorgd naar JeruzalemZeitschrift des Deutschen Palaestina-Vereins19/2  19835/4/2011DutchView
36HJ56FNSHogg, J.Further Notice Respecting the Sinaitic InscriptionTransactions of the Royal Society of Literature (S5  185633-58EnglishView
638CGW88FIJClarke, G.W.Funerary Inscriptions near Jousseff Pasha, North SyriaAbu-Nahrain26LeidenBrill198819-29EnglishView