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Displaying 651-660 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
414YS66HOYeivin, S.A Hieratic Ostracon from Tel AradIsrael Exploration Journal16(3)  1966153-59EnglishView
503WKW75GETWeitzmann, K.W.A Group of Early Twelfth-Century Sinai Icons, AttrFestschrift0EdinburghRice, D.T.197547-63EnglishView
556BB79-3GTWBernstein, B.A Great and Terrible Wilderness - III (Sinai)The New Yorker 39-89Viking Press1979268EnglishView
561BB79-2GTWBernstein, B.A Great and Terrible Wilderness - II (Sinai)The New Yorker0New YorkViking Press197992-133EnglishView
560BB79-1GTWBernstein, B.A Great and Terrible Wilderness - I (Sinai)The New York er0New YorkViking Press1979 EnglishView
628TJE87DJBTaylor, J.E.A Graffito Depicting John The Baptist in Nazareth?Palestine Exploration Fund.119(2)  1987142-148EnglishView
190CBA98GAICook, B.A.A Glossary of the Aramaic Inscriptions  CambridgeCambridge University Press1898 EnglishView
359AYM49GHEAvi-Yonah, M.A Geographical History of Eretz Israel 0JerusalemBialik1949 EnglishView
502SGB75FRISarfatti, G.B.A Fragmentary Roman Inscription in the Turkish Wall of JerusalemIsrael Exploration Journal25  197551EnglishView
595NJ82FAHNaveh, J.A Fragment of an Ancient Hebrew Inscription from the OphelIsrael Exploration Journal32(1)  1982195-198EnglishView