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Displaying 661-670 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
6PR43DESPococke, R.A description of the East and some other countries 3/1/2011LondonBowyer1743 EnglishView
193TY98CVATas+ean, Y.A Cursory View of Armenian Paleography 0Vienna 1898 EnglishView
559RB79CCSRothenberg, B. and Ordeuflich, I.A Comparative Chronology of Sinai, Egypt and PalestineBulletin, Institute of Archaeology, London University16LondonLondon University1979233-237EnglishView
675MRA15CCGMacalister, R.A.A Cistern with Cufic Graffiti near JerusalemPEQ471915  81-84EnglishView
634PM88CKKPiccirillo, M. and A.-J. ªAmrA Chapel at Khirbet el-Kursi - AmmanLiber Annuus, Studium Biblicum Franciscanum38  1988361-382EnglishView
517AN77BIEAvigad, N.A Building Inscription of the Emperor Justinian and the Nea in JerusalemIsrael Exploration Journal27  1977140-51EnglishView
2EWFEdgerton, W. F.????American Journal of Semitic Languages????   ????EnglishView
651IHT91International Herald Tribune0 ??  19911ResearchesView
131WZKM91Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde der Morgenlandes    1891311-326GeorgianView
292BG13??Beer, G. Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenländischen Gesellschaft47  1913561GermanView