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Displaying 311-320 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
154VM96NEAVogüé, M. deNotes d'epigraphie araméenneJournal asiatique8  1896304FrenchView
666GM??Gichon, M.The Limes in the negev 0   149-166EnglishView
155VM96NNDVogüé, M. deNote sur les noms divins mentionnes dans les inscriptionsComptes rendus de l'académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres5  189663-75FrenchView
411AY66HOTAharoni, Y.Hebrew Ostraca from Tel AradIsrael Exploration Journal16  19667/1/2011EnglishView
667GS??SRMGoldsmith, S.Synagogue Remains at the Mound of Kefar Qarnaim 0   39-40EnglishView
156SE96AISachau, E.Aramaeische InscriftenSITZUNGSBERICHTE D. PREUSS0Akad 18961051-1064GermanView
412BN66SIBogharian, N.A Sinai InscriptionSion40  1966538-539ArmenianView
413SI66EPSÍev√enko, I.The Early Period of the Sinai Monastery in the Light of its InscriptionsDumbarton Oaks Papers20  1966255-264EnglishView
158CGC96JJClermont-Ganneau, C.Jisr Jindas (Bridge)Recueil d'archéologie orientale2Paris 1896117-118FrenchView
414YS66HOYeivin, S.A Hieratic Ostracon from Tel AradIsrael Exploration Journal16(3)  1966153-59EnglishView