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Displaying 391-400 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
540BJ79ESBriend, J.Une Expedition dans le SinaienLe Monde de la Bible10  197917/5/2011FrenchView
542CH79IDPCazelles, H.Les inscriptions dites protosinaïtiquesLe Monde de la Bible10  197930-32FrenchView
554SJ79INSStarcky, J.Les Inscriptions nabatéennes du SinaiLe Monde de la Bible10  197937-40FrenchView
113HJ85INMHalévy, J.Inscriptions nabatéennes de Médâin SalihRevue des études juives10  1885260FrenchView
380AY60ADAAharoni, Y.,Evenari, M. Shanan, L. and Tadmor, N.H.The Ancient Desert Agriculture of the NegevIsrael Exploration Journal10  196023-36EnglishView
646DSLJP90Di Segni, L. and J. PatrichThe Greek Inscriptions in the Cave Chapel of Horvat Qasra (with English summary)`Atiqot10Jerusalem 1990141-154HebrewView
410SAK65ACSSanjian, A.K.The Armenian Communities in Syria under Ottoman dominionHarvard Middle Eastern Studies10Cambridge MassHarvard University Press1965 EnglishView
167VM97NEAVogüé, M. deNote d'epigraphie araméenneJournal asiatique10  1897197-217FrenchView
432RB68Rothenberg, B. and Cohen, E.An Archaeological Survey of the Eloth district and the Southern NegevBulletin of the Museum Haaretz10  196825-35EnglishView
459NJ71NIONaveh, J.New Inscriptions on Ossuaries from Northern JerusalemEretz Israel10  1971188-190EnglishView