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Displaying 401-410 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
463NA71NGSNegev, A.New Graffiti from SinaiEretz Israel10JerusalemIsrael Exploration Society1971180-187HebrewView
515PJ76AJCPrawer, J.The Armenians in Jerusalem under the CrusadersArmenian and BIblical Studies1JerusalemSt. James1976222-236EnglishView
7NC44RAUNiebuhr, C.REISEBESCHREIBUNG NACH ARABIEN UND ANDERN UMLIHEND 1Kopenhagen,Hamb????Nicholas Moller,Freidrich Pert????1744 GermanView
553RS79RHSRatie, S.Le reine Hatchepsout; Source of problèmesOrientalia Monspeliensia1  1979 FrenchView
298YG13AWAYovse+pi`an, G.The Art of Writing among the Armenians 1Valas+apatS. Etchmiadzin1913 ArmenianView
562MA79KDSMalamat, AbrahamThe Kingdom of David and Solomon and the First Treaty with EgyptBitzaron1New York 197914/7/2011HebrewView
314MWJ19GAEMoulton, W.J.Gleanings in Archaeology and EpigraphyAnnual of the American School of Oriental Research in Jerusalem1Jerusalem 191966-92EnglishView
61WC69RPWWarren, CharlesReports on Progress of Works at Jerusalem and Elsewhere in the Holy LandPalestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement1  1869 EnglishView
324BV24DMTBenes+evic+, V.Sur la date de la mosaïque de la TransfigurationByzantion1  1924151,notes1FrenchView