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Displaying 521-530 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
501RAF75NPSRainey, A.F.Notes on Some Proto-Sinaitic InscriptionsIsrael Exploration Journal25(1)  1975106-116EnglishView
587RAF81SMPRainey, A.F.Some Minor Points in Two Proto-Sinaitic InscriptionsIsrael Exploration Journal31(1-2)  198192-94EnglishView
596RAM82EAPRosen-Ayalon, M., A. Ben Tor and Y. NevoThe Early Arab Period in the Negev 0 Institute of Archaeology, Hebrew University of1982 EnglishView
384RB60CBRothenberg, B.Cadès BarnéBible et Terre Sainte32  196014/4/2011EnglishView
397RB62GWRothenberg, B.God's Wilderness 0New-York - ToroThames and Hudson1962 EnglishView
406RB65EGRothenberg, B.Ecyon-GébérBible et Terre Sainte72  196516/10/2011FrenchView
407RB65HLRothenberg, B.Das heilige Land 97  1965 GermanView
424RB67SNRothenberg, B.SFU+NO+T NEGEB 0  1967 EnglishView
425RB67TSRothenberg, B.TAGLIOT SINAI 0  1967 HebrewView
432RB68Rothenberg, B. and Cohen, E.An Archaeological Survey of the Eloth district and the Southern NegevBulletin of the Museum Haaretz10  196825-35EnglishView