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Displaying 561-570 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
90SAC81IPSSayce, A. C.The Inscription at the Pool of SiloamPEFQS   188170EnglishView
588SAGR81AESSchulman, A. and Gophna, R.An Archaic Egyptian Serekh from Tel Maªa˙azIsrael Exploration Journal31(3-4)  1981165-67EnglishView
410SAK65ACSSanjian, A.K.The Armenian Communities in Syria under Ottoman dominionHarvard Middle Eastern Studies10Cambridge MassHarvard University Press1965 EnglishView
440SAK69AVLSanjian, A.K.Anastas Vardapets List of Armenian Monasteries in Seventh Century Jerusalem: A CLe Muséon82  1969265-292EnglishView
137SAN93COISayce, A.N.The Cuneiform and other Inscriptions found at Lachis and elsewhere in the south of PalestinePEQ25  189325-32EnglishView
285SAP10SPCStanley, A.P.Sinai and Palestine in connection with their history 0LondonMurray1910 EnglishView
533SB78TPUSass, B.Two Previously Unknown Proto-Sinaitic InscriptionsTEL-AVIV5  1978183-187EnglishView
571SB80DPSSass, B.The Date of the Proto-Sinaitic Inscriptions 0 Israel Exploration Society, 7t198023EnglishView
597SB82NPSSass, B.Notes on some Proto-Sinaitic and Egyptian Inscriptions from SinaiScripta Hierosolymitana28  1982360-370EnglishView
70SC72CKJSchick, C. and K. W. BaurathChurch of the Knights of St. John (Ground Plan)Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement   1872100EnglishView