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Displaying 591-600 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
660SM??AISSharon, M.Arabic Inscriptions from Sde BokerArchaeological Survey of Israel (the Map of Easter0   87-9HebrewView
443SME69MLAStone, M.E.The Manuscript Library of the Armenian Patriarchate in JerusalemIsrael Exploration Journal19JerusalemSt. James Press196920-43EnglishView
564SME79AISStone, M.E.Armenian Inscriptions from Sinai 0SydneyMaitland1979 EnglishView
572SME80SJOStone, M.E.Signs of the Judgment, Onomastica Sacra and GeneraUniversity of Pennsylvania Armenian Texts and Stud3Chico, CAScholars Press1980 EnglishView
589SME81SAIStone, M.E.Sinai Armenian InscriptionsBiblical Archaeologist45(1)  198127-31EnglishView
598SME82AISStone, M.E.The Armenian inscriptions from the Sinai 0 Harvard University Press1982 EnglishView
663SME85FFAStone, M.E.Four Further Armenian Epigraphs from the SinaiJournal of the Society for Armenian Studies2  198573-83EnglishView
654SME91SINStone, M.E. and Avner, U.Survey of Inscriptions in the NegevArchaeological News JerusalemDepartment of Antiquities199187HebrewView
661SME??AISStone, M.E.Armenian Inscriptions in Southern Sinaipaper in typed manuscript form0    EnglishView
79SO76NDASeeck, O. (ed.)Notitia dignitatum accedunt notitia urbis Constantinopolitanae et Laterculi Prou  Berolini 1876 Latin ?View