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Displaying 591-600 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
302WCL14DWWoolley, C.L.The Desert of the Wanderings, Report of the Survey by the Palestinian Exploration FundPEQ46  191458-66EnglishView
292BG13??Beer, G. Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenländischen Gesellschaft47  1913561GermanView
305VBM15NGCVan Berchem, M.Note on the Graffiti of the Cistern at Wady el-JõzPEQ47  191585-90EnglishView
675MRA15CCGMacalister, R.A.A Cistern with Cufic Graffiti near JerusalemPEQ471915  81-84EnglishView
478GA73TFGoren, A.Tel-FiranHadashot Archaeologiot47  197334HebrewView
508GA76NGoren, A.The Nawamis (1973)Hadashot Archaeologiot47  197630HebrewView
487GA74EERGoren, A.Early Egyptian Relief in SinaiHadashot Archaeologiot48  197496HebrewView
354DR40CPSDeveresse, R.Le christianisme dans la péninsule sinaîtique desRevue Biblique49  1940205-223FrenchView
352SE39KSSchwartz, E.Kyrillos von SkythopolisTexte und Untersuchungen49(2)Leipzig 1939 GermanView
12RE16SHHRüpell, E.Auszug eines Herrn von HammerFUNDGRUBEN DES ORIENTS.5  1816427-433GermanView