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Displaying 591-600 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
545FM79NGHFarkash, M.Northern Gush Ha-preªahSurvey of Nature and Landscape (Seqer tevaª ve-nof)  ha-hevrat le-haganat ha-teva1979 HebrewView
546FM79SJBFarkash, M.The Slopes of Jebel BebSurvey of Nature and Landscape (Seqer teva ve-nof)  ha-hevrat le-haganat ha-teva1979 HebrewView
547FM79SJSFarkash, M.The Slopes of Jebel Sirbal and the Area of Wadi HibSurvey of Nature and Landscape (Seqer teva ve-nof)0 ha-hevrat le-haganat ha-teva1979 HebrewView
552RD79JSRabinovits, D.Jebel Sirbal 0 ha-hevrah le-haganat ha-teva1979 HebrewView
562MA79KDSMalamat, AbrahamThe Kingdom of David and Solomon and the First Treaty with EgyptBitzaron1New York 197914/7/2011HebrewView
574FI80NCSFinkelstein, I.The northern coast of the Sinai--Geographical-historical aspectsQadmoniot Sinai Tel Avivha-Kibbutz ha-Meuhad1980181-197HebrewView
575PA80DKBPrevulotsky, AviDesert Kites at the Base of Jebel GunnaQadmoniot Sinai Tel AvivKibbutz ha-Meuchad1980289-294HebrewView
577GA80NSSGoren, A.The Nawamis in Southern SinaiQadmoniot Sinai Tel-AvivHakibbutz Hameuhad1980243-264HebrewView
578KA80SPLKloner, AmosSurvey of places and landscape of north-west SinaiQadmoniot Sinai Tel-Avivha-Kibbutz ha-Meuhad1980199-230HebrewView
579MZ80ASMeshel, Z. and Finkelstein I.Antiquities of Sinai  Tel-AvivHakibbutz Hameuchad1980 HebrewView