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Displaying 91-100 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
468GR72THSGiveon, R.Le temple d'Hathor à Sérabit-el-KhademArcheologia44  197264-69FrenchView
566CJH80MSCCharlesworth, J.H.The Manuscripts of St. Catherine's MonasteryBiblical Archaeologist43(1)  198026-34EnglishView
263KB08KGKeil, B.Über kleinasiatische GrabinschriftenHermes43  1908566-577GermanView
311HK17UNAHeussj, K.Untersuchhungen zu Nilus dem AsketenText und Untersuchungen42(2)Leipzig 1917 GermanView
652KR91TIJKotansky, R.Two Inscribed Jewish Aramaic Amulets from SyriaIsrael Exploration Journal41(4)  1991267-81EnglishView
653NA91TOENegev, A.The Temple of Obodas: Excavations at Oboda in July 1989Israel Exploration Journal41(1-3)  199162-80EnglishView
526AS78NDOAgourides, S. and Charlesworth, J.H.A New Discovery of Old Manuscripts on Mt. Sinai; A Preliminary ReportBiblical Archaeologist41  197829-31EnglishView
467GA72ENGoren, A.Excavations in NawamisHadashot Archaeologiot41  197246-48HebrewView
644MH90TNOMisgav, H.Two Notes on the Ostraca from Óorvat ªUzaIsrael Exploration Journal40(2-3)  1990215-217EnglishView
645YA90NJAYardeni, A.New Jewish Aramaic OstracaIsrael Exploration Journal40(2-3)  1990130-132EnglishView