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Displaying 121-130 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
208CGC01NINClermont-Ganneau, C.Nouvelles inscriptions nabatéennesRecueil d'archéologie orientale4  1901169-184FrenchView
209CGC01NNTClermont-Ganneau, C.Les noms nabatéens Thomsaché et AbdadousarèsRecueil d'archéologie orientale4  1901167-168FrenchView
210CGC01TASClermont-Ganneau, C.Le trône et l'autel chez les SémitesRecueil d'archéologie orientale4  1901247-250FrenchView
252AFM07NACAbel, F.-M.Notes d'archéologie chrétienne sur le SinaïRevue Biblique4  1907105-112FrenchView
641KKA89EWSKitchen, K.A.An Early West-Semitic Epigraph on a Scarab from Tell Abu Zureiq?Israel Exploration Journal39(3-4)  1989278-280EnglishView
640HM89PRWHaiman, M.Preliminary Report of the Western Highlands Emergency SurveyIsrael Exploration Journal39 (3-4)  1989173-191EnglishView
453GA71SGoren, A.SinaiHadashot Archaeologiot39  197130-32HebrewView
635VR88BAWVentura, R.Bent Axis or Wrong Direction. Studies on the Temple of Serabit el-KhadimIsrael Exploration Journal38(3)  1988128-138EnglishView
266SS08KSchiwietz, S.DER KATHOLIK438  190830/9/2011GermanView
315HK20Heussy, K. Analecta Bollandiana38  1920419-423Latin ?View