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Displaying 51-60 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
243CGC05INOClermont-Ganneau, C.Inscription nabatéenne d'Oumme QotainRecueil d'archéologie orientale6  1905113-114FrenchView
465CJD72MMVCooney, J.D.Major Macdonald - a Victorian RomanticJournal of Egyptian Archaeology58  1972280-285EnglishView
341FF34ARFrank, F.Aus der Araba I: ReiseberichteZeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins57(3,4)  1934191-280GermanView
509GA76WJGoren, A. and Zas, BWadi JibalHadashot Archaeologiot57  197646-47HebrewView
8MEW66LWWMontague, E.W.A act of his Journey froPhilological Transactions56  176640-57EnglishView
631DSLYH87Di Segni, L. and Y. HirschfeldFour Greek Inscriptions from the Monastery at Khirbet Ed-Deir in the Judean DeseOrientalia Christiana Periodica53RomePontifical Institute for Orien1987365-385EnglishView
431LM68KSJLehmann, M.Das Katharinenkloster auf Sinai, Ein Juwel Byzantinischer KunstOrienus Christianus52  1968138-151GermanView
313OJ19NIPOfford, J.A Nabataean Inscription concerning Philip, Tetrarch of Auranitis On-Anu HeliopolPalestine Exploration Fund. Quarterly Statement51  1919123-132EnglishView
379JL59IGLJalabert, L. and Mouterde, J.Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie 5/1/2011Paris 1959 FrenchView
403LV63CSELaurent, V.Le corpus des sceaux de l`empire byzantion 5/1/2011ParisCente National de la Recherche1963 FrenchView