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Displaying 141-150 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
306HK16NAUHuessi, K.Nilus der Asket und der überfall der möncheeam SNeue Jahrbücher für das klassische Altertum37  1916107-121GermanView
627PE87ISPPuech, E.Une inscription syriaque palestinienne, note additionnelleLiber Annus, Studium Biblicum Franciscanum37  1987349-352FrenchView
674SGA05NRRSmith, G.A.Notes on the Roman Road between Kerak and MadebaPEQ371905  148-149EnglishView
245SGA05RRKSmith, G.A.The Roman Road between Kerak and MadebaPEQ37  190539-48EnglishView
623NA86OGNegev, A., Naveh, J., Shaked, S.Obadas the GodIsrael Exploration Journal36(1-2)  198656-60EnglishView
624PE86ISPPuech, E.Une inscription syriaque palestinienneLiber Annus, Studium Biblicum Franciscanum36  1986309-316FrenchView
237SGA04RRKSmith, G.A.The Roman Road between Kerak and MadebaPEQ36  1904367-377EnglishView
613NJ85WSSNaveh, J.Writings and Scripts in Seventh-Century B.C.E. Philistia. The New Evidence from Tell JemmehIsrael Exploration Journal35(1)  198521/8/2011EnglishView
612BM85ECSBroshi, M. and Barkay, G.Excavations in the Chapel of St. Vartan in the Holy SepulchreIsrael Exploration Journal35  1985108-28EnglishView
374MJT58NINMilik, J.T.Nouvelles inscriptions nabatéennesSyria35  1958227-251FrenchView