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Displaying 471-480 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
434CC68SBCraviotti, C.El Sinai BiblicoRevista Biblica30Buenos Aires 1968????SpanishView
442CC69SBCraviotti, C.El Sinai BiblicoRevista Biblica31Buenos Aires 1969????SpanishView
342RHL35MSCRabino, H.L.Le monastère de sainte-CatherineBulletin de la société royale de géographie d'egyp19Cairo 193578-100,106FrenchView
391LM61PVMLabib, M.Pélerins et Voyageurs au Mont Sinaï  Cairo????1961 FrenchView
284MO10ECMarucchi, O.Epigrafia cristiana  CambridgeCambridge University Press1910 EnglishView
288LAS12FMSLewis, A.S.The Forty Martyrs of the Sinai Desert and the Story of EulogiosHorae Semiticae9CambridgeCambridge University Press1912 EnglishView
557DGI79WWGDavies, G.I.The Way of the Wilderness: A Geographical Study of the Wilderness Itineraries inThe Society for Old Testament Study????5Cambridge 1979 EnglishView
68PEH71DEPalmer, E.H.The Desert of the Exodus  CambridgeDeighton, Bell1871 EnglishView
330CMP24TRCCharlesworth, M.P.Trade-Routes and Commerce of the Roman Empire 0CambridgeCambridge University Press1924 EnglishView